Friday 4 March 2011

Water Effect - Beach Scene Part One

Learning Log

Right, I've been playing around with 3ds trying to create water, At first it was a fail, and didn't look realistic in the slightest, SO I decided to look round the Internet to see if there was any Decent Tutroials to try and create a Decent water effect. The website I used was Which has helped me greatly to create a realistic  water effect which i am proud of.

Water (Fail/Win)

As you can see with the Picture, This water effect is rather Un-realistic, You can tell its water, but It doesnt have enough depth to the picture, Too much Glossiness to it, It was a good first attempt. I used the Ocean effect on t Materials menu, and I picked a Range of Blues and white to create the effect of the Noise tool to create more of a ripple/wave.

As you can see I have decided to start again because I wanted to create a more convincing water effect, I decided to follow a turotial aswell, But I have changed the Colouring scheme to create the water color which I desired. I created a Plain and added an Ocean affect onto it, to create a basic Ocean texture. Next I set up a Target light to shine Above through the water to create a glistening effect, this will show off the texture of the water and the Glossiness of it.

Next I created a Fall off map coming from the Ocean Material which was created earlier, I have changed 3 colours on this to create my desired colour.

After the fall off has been applied I rendered my Project and here is the Outcome. The Water effect is a lot better then my original Water I had tried earlier.

This was the Start of my Beach scene from my Selected Project of 'Casino Royale'. I next had to create the sand, I Firstly started of with creating a sphere, and then I Squashed it down with the Scale tool, and stretched it out and placed it in position infront of a Camera Which i have Set up. As you can See I have created several Noise Maps to create a Sand Effect. I have also used the Smoke Tool to Create a more Dispursed effect of the Sand Texture.

This is a Screenshot of more of the Changes which I applied to the Noise Affect. With the Bump Map added and a Displacement map added also to create a better Texture.

This is the Finished War Effect without the Sand inserted.

This is the Finished Scene of Part One of my Animation. I am Very happy with the effect of the Sand. I will eventually be Adding People and various objects to the scene, Such as Towels etc to create a More authentic Scene. This Scene will be When James Bond Walks out of the Ocean which will be used during the Trailer as it is seen in almost every Trailer I have Researched.

Overall I am defiantly starting to get the hang of this Program and I think anything can be achieved with this, its just about how to do it.


  1. Hi Martyn, it looks good,
    For water, do you use a Falloff map or a gradient map? Where do you put it in? under the self illumination map?
    thanks :)

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